
Call to pray for Nigeria

Nigeria is passing through a difficult time at the moment and I believe a transitional change for better is in progress. For this to be birthed, intercession in prayers needs to happen for as soon as Zion travailed in prayers, she brought out her children (Isa 66:8b).

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Prayerful intercession is needed because when Herod heard that Jesus Christ was born and the wise men did not return back to give him a report, he decided to kill all male children under two years old. (Matt 2:16).

We should also remember that it is not of him that wills or runs, rather it is God that shows mercy and indeed the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they ARE MIGHTY through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

If you are a Nigerian, living home and abroad, and you have not been praying, this is the opportunity to start even if it is for a brief moment; from there, you might be inspired to pray more often as we have been encouraged to pray without ceasing. To this end, I would like you to join me and many others daily to visit to pray the brief daily prayer posted, and then please remember to click ‘prayed’.

Nehemiah heard what was going on with his people, he took action, and so did Esther.

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