Motivational & Inspirational

True Meaning of Christmas

It is another season of festivities that signififies the love of God that compelled Him to give us His only begotten son; to redeem us from our sinful ways and reconcile us back to God. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever…...

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There is now no condemnation in Christ

At one time or the other in our life, we have done something that causes us pain, sadness, sorrow, guilt, or discomfort anytime we remember what we did. Below are three ways one can experience guilt or condemnation. Satan Satan is our adversary that always accuses us before our God,…...

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10 Encouraging Words of God – Part 2

The word of God is powerful and sharper than any two edge sword, by it the earth was framed. In Part 1, I wrote that Life is not a straight line journey, it’s full of ups and downs. One time or the other in our life, we have been discouraged,…...

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10 Encouraging Words of God

Life is not a straight line journey, it’s full off ups and downs. It’s full of anxiety, discouragement, fear, panic, nervousness, unease, despair, depression, disappointment, dismay and the list goes on. The antidote to these is find in God, for He said in Isaiah 43:1-2 But now thus saith the…...

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Good News! Good News!! Good News!!!

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. He put man in the Garden of Eden to dress and to keep it; and always came down in the cool of the day to interact and fellowship with man. What a privilege! However, they spoiled the party by allowing…...

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