
There is now no condemnation in Christ

At one time or the other in our life, we have done something that causes us pain, sadness, sorrow, guilt, or discomfort anytime we remember what we did. Below are three ways one can experience guilt or condemnation.

Satan is our adversary that always accuses us before our God, day and night – Rev 12:10. A classic example is seen where he was accusing Joshua, the high priest, because of the filthy rags upon him. Thank God because the Lord rebuked Satan and clothed Joshua with a change of raiment, Zechariah 3:3-4.
God does not want us to live in guilt and attachment to our past, as long as we repent and ask for forgiveness, He said in Heb. 8:12 “For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more”.

Our heart is a battleground, i.e. the centre of thinking, feeling, emotions etc. Satan uses our heart to remind us of our failures, sins and shortcomings and to accuse us that we are not worthy to be in the family of God. We need to guard our heart with all diligence for out it flows the issues of life; and to constantly renew our heart. Apostle Paul said, “Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11), and one of such armours is the breastplate of righteousness.

We live in a culture where people tend to judge others based on the mistakes of the past. This was the case of Ananias, when God told him to go and pray for Paul so he can receive his sight; he said, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem” Acts 9:13. But when we are in Christ Jesus, we are a new creature, old things have passed away and all things have become new.

In conclusion, are you feeling guilt or shame over what has happened in the past and are therefore finding it difficult to forgive yourself? I want to encourage you to take it to the Lord in prayer, for If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness – 1 John 1:9. Also, seek spiritual and professional assistance/support for emotional balance.

May the grace and peace of God be with you.

Read : Prayer of Confession

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